Travel by car

Geographic coordinates for the owners of navigation systems: n55.80625°, e25.94755°. These coordinates mark a turn to a gravel road which will be signposted all the way to the Festival grounds.

By car from Kaunas:

Take the road A6 towards Ukmergė and/or Utena. Go straight across Ukmergė. When you leave the town, keep following the road A6 towards Utena. Cross Utena town and continue towards Ignalina and/or Zarasai (still road A6). About 20 km beyond Utena, you will reach Daugailiai. Look out for the kilometre post [150] on the right side of the road. You are 150 km from Kaunas now. You will see a gas station on the left side of the road. There is a sign [Antalieptė, Dusetos] next to it and a turn to left (road 178). Turn left and go towards Antalieptė (follow the main road). When you pass Antalieptė, continue towards Dusetos. In Dusetos, follow the main road till you reach a crossroad of 5 roads. On the right, you will see a sign [Antazavė 8]. Turn right and go towards Antazavė. Beyond Antazavė, you will enter a wider road 117 and you will see a sign [Zarasai 22 à, ß Obeliai 19]. Turn right, towards Zarasai. After 1 km, you will see a gravel road on the right. Festival signs will start from there and will lead you straight to the Festival grounds.

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By car from Vilnius:

Take the road A14 towards Utena. When you reach the main junction in Utena (junction of the roads A14 and A6), turn right (road A6). Follow the road A6 (central street) across Utena town. From here, follow the same directions as from Kaunas (see above).

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By car from Panevėžys:

Take the road 122 towards Rokiškis. In the junction with the road 124 near Kupiškis, turn right staying on the road 122. Go straight across Rokiškis. When you reach Obeliai, follow Parko Street and then J. Zaukos Street. Near the crossroads with Dariaus ir Girėno Street, go straight following Vytauto Street. Near Antanašė, in the junction with Našio Street, keep to your left following Taikos Street. Now you are on the road 117, which will lead you to your destination. In the junction with Bradesiai, turn left following the road 117. About 1 km beyond the junction with the road to Antazavė, you will reach the gravel road to the right. Festival signs will start from there and will lead you straight to the Festival grounds.

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By car from Šiauliai:

Take the highway A9 towards Panevėžys. In Panevėžys, go straight following Klaipėdos Street. In the junction with J. Tilvyčio Street, go straight following Vilniaus Street. Cross the junction with J. Basanavičiaus Street (still road A9) and turn left to J. Biliūno Street in the next junction. Go straight until you reach Elektronikos Street. In the T-junction with Tinklų Street, turn left and go straight until the next junction where you will have to turn right, to Senamiesčio Street. This is road 122, which will take you out of the city. From here follow the same directions as from Panevėžys (see above).

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