Travel by public transport

Bus from Kaunas, Klaipėda, Šiauliai and Panevėžys

The town located closest to the Festival grounds is Antazavė, which can be reached by buses travelling towards Zarasai (UAB Zarasų autobusai). Antazavė can be easily reached from Klaipėda (via Šiauliai), or directly from Kaunas (via Kaunas Airport), Šiauliai or Panevėžys. The Festival grounds can be reached at a relatively convenient time of the day, but the buses to Antazavė depart from all of the abovementioned cities only once a day, so be advised to plan ahead.

The distance between Antazavė and the Festival grounds is less than 4 km (map).

Bus from Vilnius

The bus that travels the closest to the Festival grounds from Vilnius is the Vilnius–Molėtai–Utena–Obeliai–Rokiškis bus (TOKS) or Vilnius–Molėtai–Utena–Rokiškis bus (Rokiškio autobusų parkas). On the way to Obeliai, both of the abovementioned buses stop in Bradesiai, from where you will have to walk to the Festival grounds or ask your friends to pick you up. Five buses depart from Vilnius towards Rokiškis each day, so you can plan your trip according to your needs.

The distance between Bradesiai and the Festival grounds is about 8 km (map).

Be advised to check the intercity bus schedules and routes with the infodesks of local bus stations or at ahead of your trip.

Tickets to TOKS buses can be purchased through the online ticket vendor

Tickets & promotions


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Akcija Zarasų rajono gyventojams

Specialaus bilieto kaina Zarasų raj. gyventojams: 55 Lt. Daugiau informacijos čia ir skyrelyje Bilietai.

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Travel by Tundra bus

Susitik kelionės draugų, sumokėk už ją pigiau, nei botų porą, o žemėlapius ir barškančio variklio rūpesčius palik namie!
Bilietai į kelionę su gera nuotaika jau prekyboje, nesnausk!

Išsami informacija apie Tundrabusus – skyrelyje Kelionė Tundrabusu

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