Travel by car

Geographical coordinates for GPS:

  • DD (Decimal degrees): 55.761887 26.02696
  • DMS (degrees, minutes, seconds): N 55° 45' 42.793'' E 26° 1' 37.055''

Travel from Vilnius

  1. Take route A14 to Utena.
  2. In Utena you shall reach the main crossroad (routes A14 and A6). There you must turn to the right (route A6).
  3. On route A6 you shall pass Utena.
  4. Then follow exactly the same directions indicated in the itinerary from Kaunas (starting from 3.).

Travel from Kaunas

  1. Take route A6 to Ukmergė/Utena. When you reach Ukmergė, drive straight all Ukmergė long. Then take route A6 to Utena.
  2. In Utena you drive straight and continue your trip in the direction of Ignalina/Zarasai [route A6].
  3. Approximately 20 km from Utena, you shall reach Daugailiai. Follow the mileage bollards on the right. When you see the bollard marking 150 (which means you have driven 150 km from Kaunas), you shall see the gas station on the left. By the gas station you shall see a direction to Antalieptė, Dusetos and a left turn [route 178]. Take the left turn and drive to Antalieptė (main-road).
  4. When you pass Antalieptė, drive in the direction to Dusetos. When you reach Dusetos, take the main-road till you reach the crossroad of 5 routes. On the right you shall see a roadsign Antazavė 8. Turn to the right and drive to Antazavė.
  5. When you pass Antazavė, you shall pull out to a wider road [route 117] and see a roadsign → Zarasai 22, ← Obeliai 19. Take the direction of Zarasai.
  6. Drive till you see the mileage bollard 25 on the left of the road. After 200 m. turn right at the sign Aviliai 5 (on the left side there should be also the roadsign Šniukštai 6 ).
  7. Drive 3 km. in direction of Aviliai on a paved road. At 3 km. sign, turn left.

ATTENTION: do not take the right turn too early on the main road 117, though you shall see on the right the gravel bend and the roadsign Aviliai 5. You need to drive further till you see the afore-mentioned mileage bollard 25 on the left.