SMALA - Lapkrièio 24-25d Kns-Vln

Ideologija, stilius, propoganda, mintis

Moderatoriai: mFungus, Xynus, DoHm, moderators

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Pranešimai: 69

Užsiregistravo: 10 Kov 2010 11:44 am

Standartinė 15 Lap 2010 05:34 pm

SMALA - Lapkrièio 24-25d Kns-Vln


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deginanti-ðnypðèianti-juoda-taki-klampi-nepaleidþianti-naikinanti- SMALA

Lapkrièio. 24d. treèiadienis, Kaunas, Insait club
20h. , auka 10lt.



COLONEL XS {Italija}

Lapkrièio 25d., ketvirtadienis, 48 Cechas,
20h, auka 15 lt.

+ POGROM {Lietuva}

Muzika: nemuzika (arba harsh noise / power electronics / exp.)

Intermediat user
Intermediat user

Pranešimai: 69

Užsiregistravo: 10 Kov 2010 11:44 am

Standartinė 24 Lap 2010 12:40 pm

praneðu, jog uþsenieèiai jau pakrikðtyti lietuviðku alumi.
ðiandien pradeda tekëti smala...

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Intermediat user

Pranešimai: 69

Užsiregistravo: 10 Kov 2010 11:44 am

Standartinė 25 Lap 2010 10:55 am

Vilnius line-up:


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Intermediat user

Pranešimai: 69

Užsiregistravo: 10 Kov 2010 11:44 am

Standartinė 02 Gru 2010 12:35 pm

3 dienos Lietuvoje Gordono (Oscillating Innards) akimis:

-Lithuania was totally amazing, our friend Armantas is the best. He rented us this crazy apartment in a really gnarly looking building in his hometown Jonova (it is a very small town near Kaunas). Furnished complete with a sweet boombox. We hung out with Arma and later that night met up with Alex from Colonel XS (from Parma, Italy). We had some beers (yeah, I do that again) and improvised some card games because none of us know how to play card games and we were using a weird German "Skat" deck which only has 7, 8, 9, 10, B, D, K and A cards (????)

-The next day we did a show at the Jonova library. I did a tape loop performance and after the show a woman said some things in Lithuanian and we were each presented with a single, long-stem rose. Seriously. We went for a walk later that night and chilled on a train bridge and watched a train fly past 10 feet in front of us and he showed us some Soviet era bunkers and a bombed bridge. We then went to a bar and hung out with some dudes and ate deep fried garlic bread with melted cheese.

-Next day we went to Kaunas, a bigger city and walked around, ate some Italian food, played at Arma's venue "Insait." It was good but I fried the stage right PA speaker (or hopefully just the crossover fuse). Felt like shit.

-The next day it was Thanksgiving and I walked to the library then ate some bread(?) flavored yogurt and cut off my gross rat tail listening to weird Lith. technopop and cast off my rat tail into the first snowfall of the year from the 6th story balcony. Fucking poetry. We then went to Vilnius which is a gorgeous city with some really romantic old world style streets and awkward graffitti. We went to a cabin-looking pub with tons of beer nerd paraphernalia and Charlie and I ate super super greasy potato pancakes and a beer made with some purple flower "that horses eat." we played at a rad basement venue in Vilnius that night and had to get on a bus for Poland right after playing. It was the most violently skittering/jostling bus ride I have ever been on and we arrived in Warsaw at 4:30 AM this morning and now we're hanging with Sergei who rules.

p.s. Arma is THE SHIT and he gave me his old winter coat and it is saving my ass in this Baltic coldness and I can't say enough great things about him. Thanks, Arma.

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