Freaky Fields 2010 (Open Air Association Party)

Buvę / Old Events

Moderatoriai: mFungus, Xynus

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Pranešimai: 2

Užsiregistravo: 16 Lie 2010 11:50 pm

Standartinė 16 Lie 2010 11:53 pm

Freaky Fields 2010 (Open Air Association Party)

Soon the doors opens for the summer camp 9th of September ॐ Freaky Fields will stretch over 4days in open air and be a party dedicated to the members, the campfire, the music and the community.

Freaky Fields 2010 will be a tribute to the diversity, through a broad approach to different electronic underground genres. A sensuous, magic and musical journey, though different parties and happenings commuting between several unique plains and music-spots.

Check the Campsite:

Freaky Alliance:

Pictures from Summercamp 2009:


To enter Freaky Fields Camp you need to be a registered member of the association Freaky Alliance. You can request your personal membership through our website:

Location - Denmark.




Registered user
Registered user

Pranešimai: 2

Užsiregistravo: 16 Lie 2010 11:50 pm

Standartinė 24 Lie 2010 09:46 pm

Uhh yes , Line-up! with more to come ... BooOom

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