Walk About Love 2009

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Moderatoriai: mFungus, Xynus

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Užsiregistravo: 01 Vas 2007 10:47 pm

Miestas: body - London

Standartinė 21 Vas 2009 03:54 am

Walk About Love 2009


pasiskaitykite daugiau. viskas prasideda izraelyje festivaliu! as bandysiu ten patekti, tik, kad suzinojau neperseniausiai apie tai. nelabai manau, kad spes susiplanuoti viskas... :flower:

WALK on MARCH 2009

Walk About Love

- is a journey of love- to nature, to mankind and to life.

Travellers from all over the world are uniting with the diverse people and cultures of the land in a celebration of life. A 3-month journey to promote peace and harmony between different religions and nations, and the understanding that creating together is better than destroying separately.

Come and unite in creating a new reality of PEACE in the Middle East- 940km, 13 weeks of nature, music and dance, joy, ecology, spirit, and beautiful people.

The Walk About Love journey is free to join, almost all the activities (except for the three main festivals) are free and you are free to arrive or leave whenever you want.

1 March- 30 May 2009
Israel National Trail.

Walk About Love
Opening Festival
5-10/3/09 Purim, Desert Ashram, Israel.

The festival will be a magical experience, and different than anything you know...
it will be the most alternative,varied,happy and special festival you have seen lately.
and looking at the big picture,probably the most interesting reality you have witnessed in the last few years,a once in a life-time experience you better not miss..
the opening festival for Walk About Love - a 3 months journey over 1000 km's.
an international festival,with people from different countries,cultures and religions.
a lot of music,dancing,beautiful people,nature,quietness,noise. ..
Shabbat celebration,and a sacred Purim celebration.
abraham's tent zone for religious people.
children area,healing and treatment area.
lectures and courses on all kinds of interesting subjects-peace,relationships,s exuality,creativity,revolution of love,music and many more...

What special about our festival is that it is not commercialised!
its a festival which wants to say something,to send a message.
and the message is the same as the message of the big 3 months journey- peace,love,happiness and celebration of life,ecological responsibility and social activism.
all profits of this festival are solely for the sake of the big journey.

the festival is full of music,and live gigs.
all different genders of music- reggea,trance,gypsie,ethnic,ce ltic,free dance and much more...

- a big variety of courses and workshops on many different subjects
- sunrise and sunset ceremonies, and a tribal full moon ceremony.
- circus shows
- great food and chai shop
- hot showers
- fairies
- movies

please help us spread the word and tell more people about us!

PLEASE feel free to visit our website:
-Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense-
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Pranešimai: 239

Užsiregistravo: 26 Bir 2007 07:12 pm

Miestas: mexico

Standartinė 21 Vas 2009 03:13 pm

o tu pati ten varai? nes ievasas pvz jau uzsibukino ten bilieta, denisas jau tenais, na jis ranibow, bet tiesiai is jo varys i ta walkabout. Ir blemba, mane pvz labiausiai neramina toks dalykas - ten parasyta, kad i diena turi jiems 10euru duot. Nesamone aisku, bet taip parasyta...
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Pranešimai: 22

Užsiregistravo: 28 Geg 2008 02:21 am

Standartinė 21 Vas 2009 10:31 pm

ziog rašė:o tu pati ten varai? nes ievasas pvz jau uzsibukino ten bilieta, denisas jau tenais, na jis ranibow, bet tiesiai is jo varys i ta walkabout. Ir blemba, mane pvz labiausiai neramina toks dalykas - ten parasyta, kad i diena turi jiems 10euru duot. Nesamone aisku, bet taip parasyta...

na siap man atrodo, kad ten ta pati sistema bus kaip ir rainbow gathering'e, tiesiog skirtumas tame, rainbow zmones ne privalo mestis pinigais, o pinigai reikalingi kaip as suprantu bendrai virtuvei t.y. pvz raibow gathering buvo 2 kartus per diena vegetariskas maistas visiems kas nori, susirinkdavo ir pries tai ten buvo toks sacred ritual ir valgydavo, . ir po to, aplink ta food circle vaiksciuojj zmones kurie rinkdavo pinigus maistui kitam kartui. tas pats bus ir cia manau, tik kad cia privirstinai visi turi mestis.
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Pranešimai: 239

Užsiregistravo: 26 Bir 2007 07:12 pm

Miestas: mexico

Standartinė 22 Vas 2009 04:33 am

apie ka ir kalba. nesamone kazkokia tai - izraeli gamtoj tikrai galima issimaitint pigiau nei uz 10 euru per diena :)
juolab kad turetu but ruosiami performansai ir etc is kuriu ir manoma buvo maitinitis etc. na bent as taip isivaizdavau viska
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Pranešimai: 239

Užsiregistravo: 26 Bir 2007 07:12 pm

Miestas: mexico

Standartinė 22 Vas 2009 04:39 am

3 menesiai po 10 euru - 1000 eur. Is kur pas hiparikus tokie pinigeliai? :D
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Pranešimai: 206

Užsiregistravo: 06 Bal 2006 12:41 pm

Miestas: Vilnius

Standartinė 22 Vas 2009 10:57 am

euro hippie :rr: :cheers:
Vartotojo avataras

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Pranešimai: 206

Užsiregistravo: 06 Bal 2006 12:41 pm

Miestas: Vilnius

Standartinė 22 Vas 2009 12:47 pm


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Pranešimai: 697

Užsiregistravo: 19 Spa 2007 02:33 am

Miestas: In the middle of nowhere

Standartinė 22 Vas 2009 02:38 pm

viskas butu gerai ,jei ne kosmines sumos... :cyclopsani:
ॐ To fathom Hell or soar angelic,
just take a pinch of psychedelic. ॐ

Registered user
Registered  user

Pranešimai: 38

Užsiregistravo: 01 Vas 2007 10:47 pm

Miestas: body - London

Standartinė 24 Vas 2009 01:06 am

as kazkaip apie ta desimt euru nepastebejau ir net nezinojau... na jo, tada viskas kazkaip kitaip pradeda atrodyti, o jei ten nuvaziuoti ir tris menesius nevalgyti :))) hehe
-Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense-
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Intermediat user

Pranešimai: 87

Užsiregistravo: 24 Geg 2007 03:50 pm

Miestas: Space out

Standartinė 06 Kov 2009 08:04 am

ziog rašė:apie ka ir kalba. nesamone kazkokia tai - izraeli gamtoj tikrai galima issimaitint pigiau nei uz 10 euru per diena :)
juolab kad turetu but ruosiami performansai ir etc is kuriu ir manoma buvo maitinitis etc. na bent as taip isivaizdavau viska

Nu zinok manau kad Izraeli gamtoi issimaitint sunkoka nes pagrinde dykuma visur :)

Va cia tai Goa!!!!!!!!!!!!!
in lak'ech

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